Study Highlights Psoriasis in Special Body Areas and Increased Use of Biologics With Multiple Areas Involved

Researchers of a recent study examined psoriasis in special body areas, such as the scalp, palmoplantar, genitals, and nails. The researchers analyzed data from 346 patients and found that 81.6% had involvement in two or more of these special areas, with severity increasing as more areas were affected. Notably, patients with genital psoriasis had an increased likelihood of having scalp and palmoplantar involvement. The study also found that patients with special area psoriasis typically had moderate to severe disease, with many experiencing a significant impact on their quality of life, especially those with genital involvement.

The study revealed that treatment approaches varied depending on the number of affected areas, with biologics being more commonly prescribed for patients with two or more special areas involved. Topicals and traditional medications were more often used for single-area cases. The findings highlight the interconnectedness of psoriasis in different body regions. Researchers suggest more research is needed on effective treatment strategies for patients with area-specific psoriasis, especially as the use of biologics appears to increase with the involvement of multiple special areas.

Reference: Hebebrand M. Interconnections of Psoriasis in Special Body Areas. Dermatology Times. Published July 18, 2024. Accessed September 12, 2024.