Psoriasis Biologic Treatment Linked to Higher Demodex Density

A recent cross-sectional study explored the correlation between psoriasis treatment using biologics and Demodex mite density. The study, conducted from May to June 2023, compared Demodex mite density in patients with psoriasis undergoing biologic treatment with those receiving no treatment or topical therapy. Utilizing the skin surface biopsy technique, the researchers observed significantly higher Demodex mite density and prevalence of demodicosis among patients treated with biologics, particularly evident on the cheeks and forehead.

The findings suggest a potential link between biologic therapy and increased Demodex density in patients with psoriasis, highlighting the need for further investigation and interventions to mitigate the risk of demodicosis in immunosuppressed individuals. These results contribute to understanding the complex interaction between immune modulation therapies and Demodex colonization, offering insights for future research and clinical management strategies.

Reference: Smith T. Demodex Mite Density Increases in Psoriasis Patients Treated with Biologic Therapy. HCPLive. Published April 29, 2024. Accessed May 7, 2024.